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The Art of Storytelling through Design

Your brand isn't just a logo or a website—it's the living, breathing narrative of your journey, values, and aspirations. Your brand isn't just a product or service; it's a story waiting to be told, and every design element is a chapter that connects with you

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Do's and Don'ts of Digital Marketing in 2023

The digital marketing landscape is a continuously evolving realm, where staying ahead of the curve is paramount for your business's success. As we  near the end of 2023, the online marketing arena continues to transform, presenting new challenges and oppo

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9 Reasons to Choose a Custom-Built Website Over WordPress and Wix?

Your website is often the first point of contact between your business and your potential customers. It's the virtual storefront, the digital ambassador of your brand. When it comes to creating an online presence, there are numerous tools and platforms at your

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7 reasons you may need to rebrand

 "Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room." This astute observation by Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, encapsulates the enduring importance of a brand's reputation, one of the key facets that have defined brand management through

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Brand Design Trends of 2023

When it comes to brand design, staying ahead of the curve is essential to remain relevant and captivating in the eyes of consumers. 2023 has been a new era of innovation and creativity in branding. In this blog post,VIVI Creative will explore some of the most

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5 things you need to think about when designing a business logo

In the world of branding, logos are the unsung heroes. They are the face of your business, the symbol that speaks volumes in a glance. A well-designed logo can make a profound impact on your brand's identity and perception. In this blog post, VIVI Creative wil

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How can I convert visitors to leads on my website?

This is one of the questions we get constantly asked here at VIVI Creative. Having the ability to convert visitors into leads on your website is a critical step in the customer acquisition process. First of all you need to attract customers to your website and

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Local SEO strategies for small businesses

A robust online presence is crucial for the success of small businesses. Local SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a powerful tool that enables these businesses to connect with their local customer base effectively. In this guide, VIVI Creative will explore th

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What is a lead magnet and how do I build one?

A lead magnet is a marketing term that refers to an enticing incentive or offer provided by a business to potential customers in exchange for their contact information, typically their email addresses. The primary goal of a lead magnet is to attract and captur

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10 steps to redesign your website?

Imagine your website as the digital front door to your business. It's the first thing your potential customers see when they come knocking, and it's a reflection of your brand, your values, and your commitment to providing a seamless online experience. But wha

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6 reasons why you need to update your website

In 2023 the online marketplace is uber competitive, your website is the digital face of your business. It's the gateway through which potential customers form their first impressions, make purchase decisions, and engage with your brand. However, the digital la

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Logo designing secrets

A logo is the hallmark that defines a company's identity. It's the first impression, the lasting memory, and the beacon that guides customers to your business. A masterfully crafted logo speaks volumes about your brand's values, mission, and uniqueness. In thi